Tag Archives: Social Media

Majority marketers aren’t sure technologies are Producing ROI

More than half of senior marketers are struggling to make a business case for marketing technologies due to their inability to demonstrate the impact of tools such as website analytics and CRM on return on investment, according to a report. The findings from global marketing network The CMO Council’s “Quantity How Well You Unify” report […]


Coca-Cola marketers need to adopt to “Zero Based Budgeting”

Since Coca-Cola’s revenue experienced sharp downfall this year, decision makers decide to cut costs in marketing sector. Accordingly, Coke marketers will have to face tougher cost control measures in expanded efficiency drive.  Which means they will to justify spending on all new brand activity rather than budgets based on the previous year spend. Muhtar Kent, […]


Social Media ‘Venom’ could be prosecuted under the new laws

“People have the right to be offensive, they have the right to be insulting, and that has to be protected.” This is how Keir Starmer – director of public prosecutions expressed his opinion with BBC and admitted that he finds difficult to work within the existing law. His comment was provoked by prosecutions of Matthew […]


What is the reason for “amazing” content not going viral?!

It is not easy to create and design fruitful viral campaign. Firstly, it is important to know and appreciate the audience along with the emotional and psychological factors that provoke their engagement. And secondly content marketing needs to be inspirational for people. There is a science to creating viral content. Let’s see what 5 mistakes […]


Uniliver, BT and M&S are involved in new digital media platform to make sustainable living the new normal

A coalition of the world’s biggest companies, such as Uniliver, BT and M&S , media partners and non-profits is today launching a global digital media platform to drive global conversation and action on sustainability. The new platform, called Collectively, will celebrate and connect the people, places and cutting-edge ideas that are shaping the future. It […]