Tag Archives: Media

When You Need More ‘Just Add Zero’

Coke Zero is to be rebranded and relaunched January 13th 2014. Previously being referred to as ‘bloke coke’ the new launch aims to bring expansion to the current consumer reach and bring a more approachable appeal to a female audience as well by softening the current design. The marketing campaign associated with the relaunch introduces […]


Google’s New Technology for Big Brand Advertisers

Studies have suggested that up to 50% of all money spent on advertising is wasted. The question is: what parts of paid advertising work and what parts fail? It is thought that around half of all digital display advertising is never seen by users on the web at all. However, Google are looking to bring […]


Thompson ‘Memorable and Different’ New Year campaign

Image source: http://eutopialaw.com/2011/11/25/carrying-over-holiday-pay-when-sick/ ‘Simon the Ogre’ will be the short film leading New Year campaign by the Holiday brand Thompson. The idea of the short film will be to shown how Simon the Ogre is restored after his holiday through Thompson local. The brand is aiming to make this ‘memorable and different’. Although a short […]


Ad Revenues on YouTube grow 51% in 2013

Any revenue figures for YouTube have always been a guess, a rough estimate, since Google has never revealed the actual figures for YouTube since they purchased the giant video platform in 2006. The most recent guess has been made by eMarketer, who uncovered last week their first estimates for advertising revenues for YouTube. It was […]


Crowdsourcing – What is it?

Image sourced from: http://mashable.com/2010/05/26/creative-crowdsourcing/ Crowdsourcing has been described as distributed problem-solving. It is a marketing technique in which companies involve the public in their product choices and sales as much as possible. A recent example of this is Coca Cola’s latest ‘name on a bottle’ idea. This has not only boosted their sales (as everyone […]