Tag Archives: Marketing

Making sure your CV stands for Certain Victory!

Is there a perfect CV? most probably not…however there are a number of ways to make sure your CV will stand out. In this day and age the majority of advertised positions are oversubscribed, in fact it is extremely unlikely to find one that isn’t. Therefore competition for jobs is rife and the margin for […]


Women are in Control of Social Media

You would not be surprised about the fact that woman are most powerful audience in social media. They are the once to target if you want to increase your brand awareness and success. Why woman are the real power behind social media? According to many studies woman use social media more often and in more […]


Essential Preparation For Job Interviews

It is almost guaranteed that at some stage in your life you will have a job interview. It can be a daunting task and if you don’t prepare properly – you may not sell yourself to the best of your potential. Here are some top tips to secure that dream job! Learn how to ‘use’ […]


High Street Magical Christmas is approaching…

November stepped in and brought busy streets with people rushing to get Christmas presents,  mince pies appeared in supermarkets and constant sound of Christmas songs can be heard nearly from every store – in one word “Christmas is in the air!”.. However, what does this mean for the marketing world?  1st of November usually is […]