Tag Archives: Brand

Coca-Cola marketers need to adopt to “Zero Based Budgeting”

Since Coca-Cola’s revenue experienced sharp downfall this year, decision makers decide to cut costs in marketing sector. Accordingly, Coke marketers will have to face tougher cost control measures in expanded efficiency drive.  Which means they will to justify spending on all new brand activity rather than budgets based on the previous year spend. Muhtar Kent, […]


The Battle for Brand Advertising: Google vs. Facebook

Image sourced from; http://boostlikes.com/blog/2012/10/google-beats-facebook-display-revenue Nate Elliott, Forrester analyst, recently gave a presentation, at his firms Forrester Forum conference in London, which he titled ‘The Database of Infinity’. This presentation focused on the battle for brand advertising between Facebook and Google. In this presentation he made a prediction that Facebook would lose this battle as Google […]