

Interactive Digital Billboards – The Future of Advertising

Have a think about what adverts have caught your eye lately, what makes you stop and stare at them? What makes a billboard eye catching and memorable?
Ideas that we once saw as near on impossible and almost scary have become second nature to our everyday lives now. What once scared us is now something we can’t seem to live without. So when I tell you that you can now interact and communicate with a digital screen on the street it probably won’t come as a surprise to you.
Advertisers have found a new way to draw in their audience and potential customers by making them become physically part of the advertisement. Interactive digital billboards have been launched across a number of platforms, but how well are these techniques working?
Here are a few examples of current interactive social campaigns, let us know what you think of them!
Phone Enabled Violence Campaign – ‘Drag Him Away’
This campaign is initially to raise awareness of abuse, whether it is domestic or not. It encourages the audience to get involved and take the abuser away from the victim using their mobile phones. This campaign is a great way of making the audience feel a sense of achievement from their involvement in the ad, relating the ad with the good feeling they get afterwards and a more personal sense of awareness regarding the subject.
Interactive Bus Stop Ad’s
Bus stops are a great place to have an interactive billboard. Most people waiting for a bus are bored and definitely have the time to take part in anything interesting around them. Johnson & Johnson have produced a great way to keep anyone waiting for a bus entertained, with their Bikini model tan adjusting ad. The advert itself is of a bikini model lying at a holiday destination, there is a button at the bottom of the screen allowing you to increase or decrease her tan. The tagline for this ad is ‘You can have the tan you want. Choose yours.’ Brilliant!
Prigat Smile Station
Israel Juice Company Prigat recently launched a campaign in a number of train stations where their digital billboard has an enlarged like button, very similar to Facebooks like button. On the screen a complimentary statement will appear written by various people, the audience has the opportunity to like these statements where a picture of them will then be sent back to the author. Whichever of the author’s statements get the most likes and smiles, wins a prize from Prigat. This is a great way to associate positive feelings towards your company, and have a little fun too!
So what do you think of Interactive digital billboards? How many have you taken part in and what one’s have stood out the most to you? Let us know!
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