Category: Media & Advertising

What is Native Advertising?

It’s not difficult to find information on Native Advertising; ‘The rise of Native advertising’, ‘The current success of native advertising’, ‘How native advertising can help your company’ ect…..But before we are bombarded with this information, how would you define Native Advertising? After a lot of searching we have concluded that this is the act of […]


Colour Psychology in Marketing and Branding

Have you ever thought that the colour you choose to brand your product can be vital for future success and brand development?! When choosing a colour it’s worth knowing that our minds are programmed to respond to colour. Colour shapes our emotions and our thoughts, but colour effects more than our mood. Colour has the […]


Women are in Control of Social Media

You would not be surprised about the fact that woman are most powerful audience in social media. They are the once to target if you want to increase your brand awareness and success. Why woman are the real power behind social media? According to many studies woman use social media more often and in more […]


High Street Magical Christmas is approaching…

November stepped in and brought busy streets with people rushing to get Christmas presents,  mince pies appeared in supermarkets and constant sound of Christmas songs can be heard nearly from every store – in one word “Christmas is in the air!”.. However, what does this mean for the marketing world?  1st of November usually is […]