

Women are in Control of Social Media

You would not be surprised about the fact that woman are most powerful audience in social media. They are the once to target if you want to increase your brand awareness and success.

Why woman are the real power behind social media? According to many studies woman use social media more often and in more ways than Men, from photo and news sharing to brand interaction women lead the way, only LinkedIn is an exception.


See the breakdown in percentage of women in the most popular social media networks, their frequency of use, and the ways they usually interact with brands:

  1. Facebook: women 76%, men 66%, tumblr women 54%, men-46%, Pinterest women 33%, men 8%, Instagram women 20%, men 15%, twitter women 18% , men 17%, LinkedIn women 19%, men 24%.
  2. Women are in social media more often daily. Percentage of US online adults using social media several times per day in 2013, women 30% and men 26%.
  3. Women are more likely to interact with brands in social media. How US online Adults interact with brands. Show support – women 54%, men 44%, Access offers women 53%, men 36%. Stay current women 29%, men ££%, comment women 28%, men 25%.
  4. More women consume news in social media. Percent of US Online Adults Who Consumed News on Social Media in 2013: Where women consume news more often than men. Facebook women 58%, men 42%. Google + women 52% men 48%.
  5. Women lead the trend towards social media use via mobile. In 2013 Women used Smartphones and Tablets More often for Social Media. Smartphones women 46% men 43% , women Tablets 32% and men 20%.
  6. And the Drive the Growth of the “Visual Web”. 10million users! Instagram, Pinterest and Trumbl have gained ten million new users the past 12 months, making them the fastest growing social media. More Women Use the Top Visual Social Media. Tumblr Women 54% men 46% Pinterest women 33%, men 8% , Instagram women 20%, men 15%. Behind these billion-dollar social websites are women! Estimate value of the fastest growing social media: In USD billions as of 2013. Pinterest $7.7B Instagram $5B, tumblr. $1.1B. Will social media become girl territory soon?

So, instead of targeting your audience based in various data such as age, education or area of residence, maybe the gender of your fans should be your top element of choice. As you may see below, targeting and gaining women’s trust in social media seems to be a very good way to help your brand dominate social media.

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